One of the many technologies that help us better understands our body is the colonoscopy. It was pioneered by Hiromi Shinya who began the technique with an esophagoscope which is a short fiberscope which was used for the esophagus. Unlike others using his tools he was able to reach further than an
yone else for 90% of his patients by himself using his own method. He also contributed to the invention of the electrosurgical polypectomy snare. He preformed the first electrosurgical snare polypectomy in September of 1969. This technology has now developed to be able to reaches places such as the colon and rectum; it is a long flexible tube with a camera and a light at the end of it. Using a set of dials it is very capable and takes high quality pictures which allows the doctors to have a great look at your colon and can help us get a clear image of things such as ulcers, abnormal growths or inflamed tissues. It helps doctors also find answers for unexplained changes in abnormal pain or bowel movements and weight loss. Since its improvement it has removed many growths which have prevented people from having it develop into cancer. As well it has given us many answers to how this part of the digestive system works.
Another technology that is used to help us understand our bodies is the stethoscop
e. It was invented in France by Rene Laennec in 1816. He used a stack of paper rolled into a tube to listen to the chest of his patients. He later then made new models out of long pieces of wood. They were with a single ear piece and are much of a reminiscent of the ear trumpet. It helped listen to the heart and lung sounds as well as the blood flow through the veins and arteries. The standard stethoscope that we use today is a result of a design in the 1940s by Rappaport and Sprague. There design went through many changes and was then became Philips Medical System. Since then a number of slight changes that has happened over the years such as David Letterman who in the 1960s created a lighter model and improved the acoustics and later on added the turn able diaphragm. Through all these developments and more to come in the future it has made understanding and hearing the heart easier and clearer.
A technology which helps us further understand is the X ray machine. The first x ray machine was crea
ted by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in1895 when he discovered an image come from his cathode ray generator, projected far beyond the possible range of electric beam on the inside of a vacuum tube that were not deflective by magnetic fields and break through any kind of matter . He then took a picture of his wife’s hand which clearly showed her bones and wedding ring which shocked the public when it was shown. It is now used to show parts of our body that we cannot see alone with the human eye. It helps us view things such as broken legs or sprains that were never able to be detected before.

Another technology that is used to help us understand our bodies is the stethoscop

A technology which helps us further understand is the X ray machine. The first x ray machine was crea

Canadian contributions have made a difference in the medical world. One of the greates
t contributions Canada made was insulin, which has saved many lives of people who are suffering from diabetes’s. It was discovered by Canadians Frederick Grant Banting and Charles Herbert Best who got extracts from the pancreas a preparation of insulin which could serve as a hormone that the body is not able to produce. They used a dog to extract insulin from it pancreas, they then injected the insulin twice into a 14 year old boy and his health improved rapidly, this lead for the commercial production for treating diabetes. For many years the drug companies used pancreases from stockyards taken from slaughtered animals who did not need their organ anymore. This changed the treatment of diabetes forever as all people with this diseases today uses insulin.

Without any of these inventions we do not know where we would be today in the world of medicine. All of these technologies help us improve our health and people all around the world. The technology keeps evolving as each and every day as we discover something new that can benefit all humans to live a healthier life. As well they help us understand how our body functions like never before, which helps us get to the source of the problem faster before it becomes harmful to our bodies.
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