What is it?
Artificial section is international breeding for certain traits or combination of traits. Just as when breeders select their dogs for certain characteristics or traits such as a long or short tail. It was created by Charles Darwin in comparison to natural selection. Artificial selection is used by humans to alter populations such as agriculture an example being the amount of eggs that hens lay. Although many aspects such as producing more milk may benefit us although it is wrong to over manipulate something such as humans. Although artificially selecting a plant can benefit us, greatly such as giving us nutrients that could possibly make us all healthier. By artificially placing higher volumes of nutrients it could increase our overall health greatly. Although there are many positive and negative sides I think that as us humans being living creatures just like plants and animals it is as wrong for a human to artificially select a plant or animal.
The advantages of artificial selection include diseases that can be prevented by being able to detect genetically prone people, plants and animals and preparing for the inevitable. Not to mention with artificial selection can treat infectious diseases by implanting genes with codes for antiviral proteins. An example would be just as the designer babies. They will select and manipulate the embryo to make sure that the child does not contain any infectious diseases. They can be tailored to show characteristics that are desirable. For example the trees can be manipulated to decrease the threat of global warming by absorbing greater sums of CO2. The genetic engineering could increase diversity as well as cross over alleles to be added to other species, such as altering the genetics of wheat plants to grow insulin to benefit all. It can also rule our weakness or disabilities such as arthritis in humans.
The disadvantages of artificial section include the risk of disturbing natures complex inter related chain by bringing in genetically modified genes. This could potenti

Natural vs. Artificial
Natural selection is when heritable traits make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce and bec

Artificial selection has altered the lives of many humans’ animals and plants. There are many advantages and disadvantages that come into play. An advantage could be decreasing or eliminating a disease as I have said. Although disadvantages are big hurtles we have to jump such as an effect on the eco system that could potentially be irreversible as I have said above. We will have to live with the consequences of our wrong doing. I believe that artificial selections although it has been ment to benefit people I think the disadvantages over rule the advantages because the risks evolved could patiently change the way we live.
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