What is it and how it is created?
Biosolids is the treatment of wastewater that has gone through additional treatments of organic solids. This treatment is used to kill pathogens (An agent that causes disease, especially a living microorganism such as a bacterium or fungus) it has been EPA approved for use as a fertilizer on
Biosolids is the treatment of wastewater that has gone through additional treatments of organic solids. This treatment is used to kill pathogens (An agent that causes disease, especially a living microorganism such as a bacterium or fungus) it has been EPA approved for use as a fertilizer on
the soil. The biosoilds includes nutrients the help promote plant growth.
Domestic wastewater from sewage and treatment faculties is how biosoilds are created. It monitors the wastewater streams to insure the compatibility and recyclability with treatment plant process. Once it reaches the plant it is cleaned and removed of all solids through physical, biological and chemical processes, it then sanities wastewater solids to control pathogens and other organisms capable of transporting disease.
Domestic wastewater from sewage and treatment faculties is how biosoilds are created. It monitors the wastewater streams to insure the compatibility and recyclability with treatment plant process. Once it reaches the plant it is cleaned and removed of all solids through physical, biological and chemical processes, it then sanities wastewater solids to control pathogens and other organisms capable of transporting disease.

· It is a cost effective method of disposal
· Promotes farming
· Good free fertilizer
· Land reclaiming
· It regulated according to the EPA law 503
· Recycles versus filling landfills
· Creates jobs
· Reduces emission from transportation to landfills
· It is a cost effective method of disposal
· Promotes farming
· Good free fertilizer
· Land reclaiming
· It regulated according to the EPA law 503
· Recycles versus filling landfills
· Creates jobs
· Reduces emission from transportation to landfills

· Effects irreversible
· Contamination resulting from accumulation of industrial waste
· Potential health hazard
· May contain hazardous chemicals
· Odour
· Decreases property value
· Possibly transferable to crops
· Its true composition is unknown
· Not sufficiently regulated
Take a stand
I believe that biosoilds could become an alternative to our current agricultural practices. This is so because of the pros that comes with the product such as being cheep and cost effect for both the farmers and the companies or facilities dropping off the biosoilds. It also reduces the amount of waste in landfills therefore helping the environment and putting it into good use instead of it just contributing to the viruses. As well they promote farming which arises job opportunities to the public and can decrease the rate of the unemployment issue. With all of these factors in the picture I think people will consider using it as an alternative or addition to their farming. To solve problems such as odour you can use the biosoilds in places that are far away from national parks or waterways. Another prevention that can be made is using it quite a distance away from where people live for it wouldn’t decrease the property value and the chemicals would not be as big as a risk to the people in the area in which it was being used.
Potential Stakeholders
I believe that biosoilds could become an alternative to our current agricultural practices. This is so because of the pros that comes with the product such as being cheep and cost effect for both the farmers and the companies or facilities dropping off the biosoilds. It also reduces the amount of waste in landfills therefore helping the environment and putting it into good use instead of it just contributing to the viruses. As well they promote farming which arises job opportunities to the public and can decrease the rate of the unemployment issue. With all of these factors in the picture I think people will consider using it as an alternative or addition to their farming. To solve problems such as odour you can use the biosoilds in places that are far away from national parks or waterways. Another prevention that can be made is using it quite a distance away from where people live for it wouldn’t decrease the property value and the chemicals would not be as big as a risk to the people in the area in which it was being used.
Potential Stakeholders
The potential stakeholders would be thousands of people but I will cut it down to the main groups of people. The first hurdle it would have to jump is with the government and its health standards. They would go through every standard that the biosoilds would have to pass to be eligible or accepted to not be a risk to the public. If the government approves it then falls into the hands of the farmers and gardeners. Without them wanting to consume the product then there is no point in perusing it. The final people who it would fall into the hands of would be the population/community that will have the ultimate say because they will have to live with the pros and cons of the biosoilds.
Influence of the Western view
I believe we are influenced to a certain degree but we have to consider our own environment as it as different from any other country. We are influenced in the way that other western countries deal with the issue or steps in which we would have not have thought of taking before allowing the use of the biosoilds. Although we do use it to our advantage as if it was to help our economy and other issues that may arise we do not really consider the eastern view on the concern.